Deploy a Rails 7.1 application in 30 mins on DigitalOcean


Get your Rails 7.1 app deployed in under 30 minutes DigitalOcean! This toolkit pairs a Terraform script for a quick Droplet setup on DigitalOcean Cloud with a Ruby script that primes your app for deployment using Kamal.

The script assumes a relatively typical setup for a rails application having:

  • A rails monolith

  • A Postgres DB

  • A redis server for background jobs

What you will get:

  • A terraform script to setup your DigitalOcean droplet, including the firewall rules for it.

  • A ruby script which will automatically prepare the rails application for deployment. It will:

    • Will create the kamal deploy.yml file for you and set it up for deployment

    • Will add necessary variables to .env file

  • Readme files with all the instructions to run the scripts

The default setup will create a droplet with 1 vCPUs, 2 GM of RAM and 50 GB of disk space (this can be adjusted to a droplet of your choice). All the required components will be set up in one droplet, making it an easy setup for your side project.

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Note: By using these scripts, you take all the responsibility for the changes and damage they may cause.

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